When you register with HuckTest.com, you can:
• Find any business with just one click.
• Help others by rating and reviewing local services.
• Get questions answered by experts in your city.
• List your business for free.
Your real name will be not be displayed to other users. It will only be used when
HuckTest.com contacts you.
This is your permanent display name. It will be visible to other users, and cannot
be changed later.
Your email address needs to be valid, as it will be used to confirm your account.
It will also be required every time you sign in to HuckTest.com. (If you are
a business owner, you'll have an opportunity to provide your official business email
address when you create your business listing.)
Your password needs to be at least eight (8) characters long. It also needs to contain
at least one letter and one number.
Your email address and password will always be kept private.